Councillor Anne Lonsdale's personal blog

Welcome to my blog†.

My name is Anne Lonsdale, Teignbridge District Councillor and Kingsteignton Town Councillor. I am a Liberal Democrat Member for Kingsteignton West Ward in South Devon, which comprises the Parishes of Kingsteignton West and Teigngrace.

My committee membership within the District Council includes the Overview & Scrutiny and Development Control Committees. I am also a member of the Licensing Act 2003 Committee and a substitute for the Licensing Sub Committees.

My responsibilities within the Parish Council include Recreation & Footpaths and Community Hall & The Fountain.

The purpose of this site is to try and keep you informed about my role and provide you with information about developments in Teignbridge District Council and our local Ward Kingsteignton West.

I will clarify my responsibilities in future blogs...

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Farewell to our "Outgoing" MP

Sunday 23 May saw Teignbridge Liberal Democrats at a "Thank You" party given by Richard and Sue Younger Ross held at Bitton House.

There were tears of disappointment and wishes of Good Luck especially to the younger generation who had put their energies into campaigning. Richard suggested the experience would hold them in good stead to follow a career in politics.

However in anticipation of the coalition, we go forward with hope of seeing Richard and Sue back on the 'circuit'.

There was chance to look around the gardens of Bitton House which were fully in bloom of summer flowers enhanced by the brilliant sunshine and deep blue sky. This included a visit to see the exotic flowers in the Orangery.

Meanwhile my council duties continue. Funding to charity organisations is all the more necessary now.

I am in my last year of my first term of being a Councillor and using my Councillors Community Fund I am funding , concentrating on Kingsteigton organisations. I have to say all my fund is exhausted now. However should I be voted in again for another term of four years then I could review my list if the fund is still in existence.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Voting Day on Thursday 6th May

Vote for change.
Vote for a fairer Britain.
Vote Liberal Democrat.

Vote for Richard Younger-Ross MP for Teignbridge:-

I am proud to be a Liberal Democrat Councillor. I have received a lot of help and encouragement from Richard. Now See what he can do for you!