Councillor Anne Lonsdale's personal blog

Welcome to my blog†.

My name is Anne Lonsdale, Teignbridge District Councillor and Kingsteignton Town Councillor. I am a Liberal Democrat Member for Kingsteignton West Ward in South Devon, which comprises the Parishes of Kingsteignton West and Teigngrace.

My committee membership within the District Council includes the Overview & Scrutiny and Development Control Committees. I am also a member of the Licensing Act 2003 Committee and a substitute for the Licensing Sub Committees.

My responsibilities within the Parish Council include Recreation & Footpaths and Community Hall & The Fountain.

The purpose of this site is to try and keep you informed about my role and provide you with information about developments in Teignbridge District Council and our local Ward Kingsteignton West.

I will clarify my responsibilities in future blogs...

Thursday, 27 October 2011

A Morning with MEP Sir Graham Watson

Teignbridge Lib Dems were invited to meet our MEP Graham Watson last Friday 21st October. Congratulations were given on his recent title as he was honoured in the Queens Birthday List.
I had listened to Graham Watson 2 years ago at a Twinning meeting in Exeter and recently I had e-mailed him to see if Citizens Advice Bureaux nationally could apply for some money from the Eurpean Union. This was a great chance to speak to him personally when we were gathered for a welcome cup of coffee.
He spoke on the how the coalition came about in 2010 through the breakdown of talks with Labour. Nick Clegg, Vince Cable and Chris Hulme among the team on the Coalition Parliament. The National Debt at the time was £400m per day. £10m so far has been paid back.

On Education he spoke on some of the issues brought up by a few of my constituents, that of cut backs on student fees and Education Maintenance Allowance. He would take this issue back to Nick Clegg with a hope of a possible re-think similar to what has been done to the NHS. In the meantime his message to constituents in Kingsteignton who are low income families is to keep applying.

One question asked was should the Euro be devalued. Sir Graham suggested that Trade would suffer. Farmers in South West England who through diversification would suffer when trading their yogurt with Belgian.

On Agriculture he also explained how EU were building up Eastern European countries so that they were better able to trade with each other.

EU on World development. Helping countries such as Africa to become self sufficient and to be able to trade within their own country.

Time ran out because Sir Graham was visiting Candy Tiles in Chudleigh taking a question from one of my constituents: Should Candy Tiles promote their product to local developers.

See Link:

More to come plus photos....